the shadow

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’far (as) having said: ‘Allah Mighty and Majestic Created the creatures. So He Created the ones He Loved from what He Loved, and whatever He Loved He Created it from the clay of the Paradise; and He Created the ones He hated from what He hated, and whatever He hated, Created it from the clay of the fire. Then He sent them into the shadows’. So I said, ‘And which thing is the shadow?’ So he (as) said: ‘Do you not see your own shadow in the sunshine? It is something, but is not a thing’ (Al-Kafi vol 2, part 1, h. 3, H1450)


Sa’d ibn Khalaf narrated that Imam Kazim (a.s) said: “Salat is as sweet smelling as a freshly cut branch of a green tree when they are performed on time. One picks from a tree when it is fresh, pure and good smelling. Therefore I advise you to perform your prayers on time.” Mishkāt al-anwār fī ghurar al-akhbār h. 345